Improving natural floodplain dynamics

When a floodplain does not experience flooding or if its natural cover is damaged, it loses its ability to provide ecological services. Floodplain restoration is a method used to regain the benefits for both rivers and communities.

Methodology technical feasibility NbS 1

This map aims to showcase which areas are suitable for flood-based agriculture projects.

Stress & Pressure

The Mekong Upper Delta supports extensive agricultural production. This area used to be characterized by naturally occurring wide spread floods in the wet season (see figure above).

Potential NbS measures

Upscaling flood-based agriculture systems and natural floodplain protection is proposed as a Nature-based solution for this region.


Restoration efforts, such as adjusting levee positions, lowering floodplain elevations or installing culverts, are expected to activate floodplains and promote hydrologic connectivity.

Flood-based livelihood implementation

Flood-based livelihood is a type of livelihood or economic activity that relies on the natural occurrence of floods and the use of floodplains.

Upscaling potential

To understand the upscaling potential, the suitability of the area for this NbS has been mapped.

Upscaling potential maps

Below are the maps of suitable areas for the types of flood-based agriculture groups: Prawn (giant freshwater prawn), fish stocking, Lotus farming and Melaleuca forests.


The Upper Vietnamese Mekong Delta comprises an extensive river, floodplain and canal network with seasonal movement of water in the floodplain.

Reference alternative

The reference alternative is the scenario in which the NbS will not be implemented.

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