Methodology technical feasibility NbS 3

The objective of this map is to showcase which wetlands are suitable for reconnection with the main river.

Improving riverine wetland ecosystems

Maintaining habitat connectivity is essential for species movements, resource flow, and ecological processes across landscapes.

Stress & Pressure

Large areas of Lao and Thailand were previously considered wetlands. These wetlands were crucial sources of water and food, providing rice, fish, and waterfowl, and supporting the livelihoods of millions of people.

Potential NbS measures

This case study area is located at Goot Ting wetland in Thailand, along the Mekong River, five kilometres south of Bueng Kan District, Bueng Kan Province.

Reconnect wetlands

Disconnected wetlands, referring to wetland systems that experience a break or interruption in hydrological connectivity, exhibit several characteristic features.

Example of interventions to increase connectivity at Kuot Kan

The ability of aquatic animals to move freely between feeding, breeding, and resting areas along sheltered waterways is crucial.

Protect and sustain well-connected wetlands

The wetland area that is worth protecting is characterized by its healthy system, which can be indicated by:

Upscaling potential

"Approximately 88000 hectares is highly suitable for riverine reconnection - that is roughly 123,000 football fields"

Upscaling potential maps

The map below shows the suitable riverine wetlands for reconnection. Wetlands in green are highly suitable for a reconnection.


Maintaining habitat connectivity is essential for species movements, resource flow, and ecological processes across landscapes.

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