
Maintaining habitat connectivity is essential for species movements, resource flow, and ecological processes across landscapes.

Reference alternative

The reference alternative is the scenario in which the NbS will not be implemented in the case study area or any of the suitable areas.

Project alternative

The project consists of improving riverine wetland ecosystems and increasing connectivity with the main river.

Identification and selection of effects

The identification of effects is one of the most important steps and is done by comparing the project alternative with the reference alternative and identifying the incremental costs and benefits of the project alternative.


At the project site, fish catches have reportedly declined because of invasive plants and water level declines. The average income from fishing is about USD 12 per household per day for 4 kg per day.


The table below gives an overview of the costs estimates for the project site and basin. Note that these estimates are all very indicative and based on currently available data.

Discussion of results

The table below shows the results from the CBA. The results are indicative due to the assumptions being made, but some conclusions can be drawn from them.

Financial analysis

To make parts of projects financially viable, they need to generate tangible revenue streams that can be captured by a stakeholder. However, aside from potential biodiversity credits, there are no tangible revenue streams resulting from the projects.