Upscaling potential

"Approximately 197200 hectares is highly suitable for reforestation - that is roughly 280,000 football fields"

To understand the upscaling potential, the suitability of the area for this NbS has been mapped. The upscaling potential for flooded forest restoration is large (i.e. 197200 hectares of highly suitable area). The relatively large potential has two main reasons.

Firstly, the conditions (e.g. Soil type and duration of inundation) are still very suitable for flooded forests. After all, flooded forest is the naturally occurring vegetation typology that would be present given the conditions of the areas surrounding the Tonle Sap Lake and Tonle Sap and Mekong River. Secondly, the flooded forest is mainly under pressure and degraded by anthropogenic pressure, such as encroachment by urban areas or conversion of forest areas into agricultural land.

Urgent action is required to reforest and safeguard the remaining flooded forests. This includes protecting existing forests and designating areas for the restoration of flooded forests.